We pass a tall curving white Peace and Tolerance monument that
overlooks the Jewish settlements. The irony is stunning. Stopping at Jabal Mukabar, Ruth explains that
before 1967 the area around the Old City was Palestinian agricultural land but
it has been largely transformed into an urban setting. We see a family arriving to pick olives at
this popular lookout as we survey a spectacular panorama that includes West
Jerusalem, the Dome of the Rock, Mount of Olives, and Ramallah in the distance.
The grey concrete separation wall meanders between clusters of white houses,
black water towers sprouting like mushrooms on the roofs. Jewish homes do not have these tanks as they
have a reliable water system.
Perhaps the easiest way I can share the impact of this tour is with
some of the most disturbing pieces of information.
- In 1967 according to Ruth, after the war
with the Israeli unification of the city, Palestinians present in East
Jerusalem were offered Israeli citizenship if:
1. They declared loyalty to the Jewish State
2. They passed a Hebrew proficiency test
3. They gave up other passports (this is not
required of Jewish Israelis)
4. They could prove that they were willing to
migrate to Israel within the 1948 borders.
Needless to say, the
majority chose permanent residency status and now they have to continuously confirm
their right to that status by proving that Jerusalem is the center of their
lives (work, school, activities, etc, etc).
When a child is born, rather than receiving a birth certificate in the
hospital like Jewish children, the parents have to go to the Ministry of the
Interior to prove their residency status. The bus drops the new parents off at
a steep hill with no stairs down to the Ministry. They pay the same taxes as
West Jerusalemites but get a fraction of the urban services. Their children
have overcrowded crumbling schools, rare playgrounds, and cannot inherit
property. At checkpoints, the soldiers have access to whether Palestinians are
up-to-date on taxes, fines, etc and act accordingly. This system was created by
our own Hewlett- Packard. If East
Jerusalemites are absent for 3-8 years (not clear) they lose their IDs. This
does not happen by chance. The Israeli government has a policy of maintaining a
70/30 split between Jews and Palestinians and will do whatever is necessary to
achieve that, one Palestinian at a time.
- The Israeli government has an extensive
policy of “green zoning,” ostensibly taking, (buying, stealing, seizing)
(Palestinian) property and converting it into public spaces. In reality
these spaces are often made into Jewish settlements or are at least off
limits for direly needed Palestinian housing. Only 9% of East Jerusalem is currently
zoned for the ballooning Palestinian population, creating a false house
shortage and another silent bullet leading to passive transfer of the
population. The Palestinian neighborhood
of Silwan with its controversial archeological site and park, The City of
David, (find evidence for a Jewish presence, thousands of years ago and
throw out the rest), has extensive green zoning and growing numbers of the
most right wing Jewish settlers. It is easy to see the large blue and
white Israeli flags provocatively flapping between Palestinian homes. It is quite clear who is welcome here and
by whom. Meanwhile Palestinian
schools are short by 1000 classes and 40% of the children drop out. 17,000 children are never even
registered. A group recently had to take their case to the Israeli Supreme
Court to get a permit to build a girl’s school. A school? (Did I mention
that the educational system is totally segregated in the city of peace?)
- The settlement project is alive and well;
for example, with a plan for Kidmat Zion a new settlement of 230 units at
the heart of the Palestinian Jerusalem neighborhood of Abu Dis. Ruth
explains this will be the furthest eastern Jerusalem municipality
settlement and will effectively cut off Jerusalem from the West Bank and
be just another nail in the two state coffin, should that not already have
met an untimely demise. We also pass the faded billboard advertising sites
(call that 1-800 number now, homes still available!) for Nof Tzion, a
gated Jewish settlement with a dubious financial history, now owned by a
major developer, Rami Levy. Passing the lovely tree lined trees and well
paved streets, when Nof Zion ends, the potholes and bits of garbage and
plastic bags hanging onto the tumble of weeds announce the end of urban
- Between the current citizenship and
changing family reunification policies, the Israeli state functionally
dictates where a Palestinian can live, who he/she can love and where they
can work. For example, if a West
Banker falls in love and marries an East Jerusalemite, they cannot make
their residency in East Jerusalem (where services, health care, education,
and the standard of living are better).
Not only does this translate into untold family suffering,
separation, detentions, etc, but it is estimated that of the 350,000
Palestinians living in East Jerusalem, many thousands live there illegally,
risking imprisonment for attempted family unification.
- Jerusalem is a microcosm of what is happening
in Area C, the area of the West Bank that is under Israeli civil and
military control. There have been
innumerable attempts to make life so unbearable that Palestinians will
leave and now 150,000 are left. It
is rumored that the Israeli government is preparing to officially annex
Area C to Israel proper and then may offer the remaining Palestinians
Israeli citizenship as their numbers are too small to affect the
demographic war.
One of the delegates shakes her head and says, “This looks like Alabama.”
Welcome to the only democracy in the
Middle East.
Reports reflect the views of the individuals writing them and do not
necessarily represent the Dorothy Cotton Institute, the Center for
Transformative Action, Interfaith Peace Builders or other delegates or the
organizations with which they are affiliated
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